
On Sunday we were treated to a sight of the great variety of talent on offer at Discovery Winchester this year. Many students braved the stage to present the things that they had been working on all week:

First up we had the animation class who showed us posters of the programmes and storyboarding that they had been using to create their animated film (coming to the blog soon!).

Next up came the art class who showed us the work that they had been doing on pontilism, which was followed by an exclusive viewing of their marvellous exhibition.
Then Galina, Ekaterina and Natalia treated us to a dramatic reading of Natalia's script 'The Passion of Irrationality,' a dramatic love story with a happy ending.

Practical science then presented their bridges which they had spent all week designing and which we then tested outside with weights, taking bets on which bridge would hold the most weight. Here is a photo of Team Arch's bridge buckling under the pressure!

Finally we had a fantastic performance of the story of Prometheus who stole fire from the gods from the drama group.

What a wonderful afternoon of great talent- bring on week 2!
