This house believes....


"This house believes that abortion, that could be selective, should be legal."

Chair: Alex (student host)
Those arguing for the motion: Oliver, Cecelia, Margherita, Guilia, Eric & Artem
Those against: Simon, Isabela, Isabel, Lucia, Alua & Mina.

Alex used all of his experience and leadership skills to chair this lively debate! With students having prepared and researched the issues associated with the motion, speeches were made clearly and in order, often with multiple interventions from the opposite side. Those in the debate discussed matters of huge human importance such as "when does life begin?"; " what rights does a foetus have?" & "what about the rights of the mother?" The positions of both a mother and a baby were considered as well as those babies conceived in far from ideal circumstances, social, medical and economic. The participants spoke with passion, fluidity, clear argument and spontaneity; arguments were sustained, diverse and informed. Congratulations to everyone this week: the debate was enlightening, intelligent and sometimes amusing!

First vote on 17th July: For: 10, Against: 3 Abstentions: 1
Last vote on 19th July: For:   Against:   Abstentions:


Winchester said…
Result of 2nd Vote!
For: 5
Against: 1
Abstentions: 6

The opposition had the most influence over the debate and has therefore won this debate!
(Photos to follow)